How It Works

Easy Process for Selling Your Catalytic Converters

Take Pictures

Take picture of catalytic converter for quote.

Request Quote

Request price quote for scrap catalytic converter

Ship To RRCats

Ship Catalytic Converter to RRCats

Get Paid in 1-2 Days

Get Paid in 1-2 Days for your catalytic converters

Request Your Quote

Text Us To Request Quote


*By Texting, you agree to our Terms & Conditions including PayPal Fees

Email Us To Request Quote

Fill out the form below with pictures and information:
Check corners, under shields, and down pipes for numbers. Not all catalytic converters have numbers.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
To get a quote sooner, attach photos of any serial numbers and an overhead pic of the catalytic converter(s).

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Read Our Reviews

How To Get A Quote

How To Ship Your Converters

How To Cut Your Converters

Our Receiving Process

How do I get a quote from RRCats?

To get a quote for your scrap catalytic converter(s), you can text or email the RRCats Team with pictures of your units.

If you can send serial numbers, that will also allow us the most accurate price.


How does shipping work for RRCats?

Once you receive a quote from our team, we will send instructions for shipping to our facility in New Jersey.

We offer free shipping for all OEM (what’s that?) units and will provide you the link for a shipping label.

Learn To Ship To Us

What happens once you receive my package?

Once your package has been delivered to our facility, please allow 1-2 business days for us to process your ticket.

Our team will ensure that the catalytic converter sent is the same type we quoted and that the converter is full.

Also, we will check your payment information in our system and then send payment within 1-2 business days.

Learn More About Recycling Catalytic Converters


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